April 20, 2022

Border Poll is airy-fairy nonsense


Forget about a Border Poll – it isn’t going to happen.

According to the latest Poll, less than a third of people support the idea of a united Ireland. The figure drops to under a quarter of those questioned when asked if they’d be prepared to pay higher taxes to pay for unity.

Republicans are lukewarm about unity, which must be a bit of a shocker to Sinn Fein, the SDLP and, of course, the two-faced Alliance Party.

A Border Poll is pie in the sky nonsense. Airy-fairy politics distracts from the real work that needs to be done to transform Northern Ireland into a genuinely pluralist, inclusive region of the United Kingdom.

Far better all parties knuckle down to the job at hand. We need Health to top the priority list. Education is screaming for a radical overhaul. Housing must have real investment.

Let’s face up to reality instead of pretending a united Ireland would be the answer to all our ills. It wouldn’t!

© 2022, Gary Hynds